
divendres, 11 de juliol del 2014

I've Seen Things - An iPad Sleeve

The deed is finally done. The Blade Runner ipad sleeve has reached its rightful owner. And the whole process has taken just a bit over a year.
It started as a barter, I needed something, and offered something in return. That something turned out to be - after some negociation -  an ipad sleeve, with a text from Blade Runner, to be precise, by Rutger Hauer, who played the Nexus-6 Replicant Roy Batty.
First I needed the appropiate yarn, then things happened and the yarn stayed in a ziplock bag for months, then I made the design, in an excel page, nothing fancy, had it approved and starter knitting.

I love stranded knitting: I love its binary matrix, the fact that you just have to knit, no purling, no cables, no lace, just plain old knit stitch.
I started it in the round, with a provisional cast-on, and went round and round through the chart.
I purled a row to create the hem and after a black round did some in blue on the other side.
And then I undid the provisional cast-on and used kitchener stitch to close the bottom.
I wanted the ipad to be really protected while inside its sleeve, that's why I added a layer of heavy padding inside and also a pretty starry cotton lining.
No closure was needed because the sleeve it's really snug and fitting.
before padding
after padding
I'm very proud of the finished product..
I like it, Rosa likes it and I hope you like it too!!!
pretty starry lining