
divendres, 22 d’agost del 2014

Weirwood - In which I made an imaginary tree

I'm a geek. An amateur, yes, but  a geek nonetheless.
I've been known for knitting and crocheting weird stuff before.
This is just another brick in that wall.

I've made a crochet weirwood.

what? you don't know what a weirwood is?
No problem.

My weirwood is made with scraps of wool sock yarn crocheted into simple shapes as balls and tubes.
Then those balls and tubes were sewn together in the shape of a would-be tree.

while I was crocheting it I uploaded these pictures to my facebook wall, and asked if someone knew what it was intended to become.

I got some interesting answers: maracas, a mushroom, a puppet, a molecule, a pokemon, a coat stand. Some were more accurate: a tree, a bonsai, a baobab, a strawberry tree... 
No one got it right.
I would have accepted weirwood, arciano (that's Spanish for weirwood), heart tree, that weird Stark Tree, the weeping tree in Game of Thrones.

Anyway, here's the finished tree before putting some wires in it.
 And here's after the wiring.
And, as you can see, embroidery is NOT my thing.