
divendres, 14 de juny del 2013

Mary Margaret's Tam

Do you like Once Upon A Time?
I do.
I think it's a good series, with good writers, plots and actors. It's nice for a change.
And you, people who don't watch the series might think: and all this is related with knitting how?

There are a lot of knitting goods in that series. I DO like one of Mary Margaret's tams, the one with the crown of leaves, yes, that's the one.
I wanted to knit one, but, I wasn't in the mood for designing it myself, so... I made a search at Ravelry and there it was! Ready to knit and for free!!!
I've made two.
The first one (blue) is a modified version because I thought I hadn't enough yarn. I did 3 eyelet repetitions instead of 5 and changed the crown decreases too.
The green one is following the pattern as is. And I can't wait for the winter to come and put it into good use, because it (kind of) matches my Mini Laminaria.
 Os gusta Once Upon A Time?
A mi si.
Creo que es una buena serie, con buenos guionistas, argumentos y actores.
Vosotros, gente que no ve la serie os debis de preguntar: ¿y esto como está relacionado con hacer punto?

En la serie salen un montón de prendas preciosas hechas a punto. A mi me gusta especialmente una de las boinas de Mary Margaret, la que tiene como una corona de hojas, si, esa.
Queria hacer una, pero no estaba de humor para diseñarla asi que, hice una búsqueda en Ravelry y allí estaba! Lista para ser tejida y gratis!
He hecho dos.
La primera (la azul) es una versión modificada del patrón porque pensaba que no me llegaría la lana. Hice 3 repeticiones de ojetes en lugar de 5 y también cambié las menguas.
el verde está hecho siguiendo el patrón tal cual está escrito. Tengo unas ganas de que llegue el invierno para poder usarlo!!! hace juego con mi Mini Laminaria.

2 comentaris:

  1. Your hats are gorgeous!! I love this character and show too - I just printed the pattern out but it isn't in written chart form and I don't know how to read form a chart. Ugh :( Yours are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks!
      Reading a knitting chart can seem quite difficult at first but once you get the gist of it they are a wonderful tool. I love charts. In fact, I don't do lace if it isn't in chart form.
      Try it and you'll see.
