
dimarts, 9 de juliol del 2013


Diumenge vam fer titelles.
Estem preparant Avenue Q amb el grup de teatre de l'EOI i necessitem 6 titelles.
L'Oscar ens va ensenyar a fer-ne.
Amb cola (mmmmmmm cooolaaa) gomaespuma i tisores  vam aconseguir fer els caps de les 6 titelles. Diumenge que ve, els hi posarem cos.
Va ser molt interessant. Jo mai no havia fet titelles d'aquestes i estic aprenent moltes coses.
> no hi ha fotos dels caps "acabats" perquè les meues mans estaven massa brutes i no volia tacar de cola el móbil...

Last sunday we made puppets.
We're rehearsing Avenue Q with the EOI theatre group and we need 6 puppets.
Oscar came to teach us how to made them.
With glue (mmmmm gluuuueee), foam and scissors we made the 6 heads. Next Sunday, bodies.
It was very interesting. I had never made that kind of puppets and I'm learning a lot of things.
> There aren't any pictures of the "finished" heads because my hands were too dirty and I didn't want to soil my mobile phone...

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