
diumenge, 26 de gener del 2014

un any!!!

fa un any que vaig començar aquest blog
i no és un gran blog, ni un blog regular (en el sentit de amb una periodicitat marcada), ni té 50.000 seguidors, ni guanyarà mai premis ni res per l'estil però és el meu blog.

i per a celebrar que fa un any que vaig començar i encara no me n'he cansat, he decidit que és
pues si, habemus sorteig!

QUE? dos parells de mitenes. Són dos dels meus patrons de mitenes preferits, unes són Veyla de Ysolda Teague en merino blau cel de Filatura di Crosa i les altres Kujeillen,  de Tiina Kuu en seda&alpaca grisa de Drops.

COM? deixant un comentari en aquesta entrada del blog (amb alguna manera de contactar amb vosaltres si guanyeu) - si a més voleu seguir el blog o compartir el sorteig al fb al twitter o al forn de pa, perfecte, em faria il·lusió però no és necessari.

QUAN? entraran al sorteig tots els comentaris al blog des d'avui fins a final de mes

QUI? obert a tots els terraquis (i als extraterrestres que estiguin interessats)

it's been a year since I started this blog
and it's not a great blog, or a regular blog, it doesn't have 50.000 followers nor will ever win awards of any king, but it's MY blog

so, to celebrate that a year has passed since I started and I'm still not tired of it, I've decided that it's

WHAT? two pairs of fingerless gloves. They're two of my favourite fingerless gloves patterns. One is Veyla by Ysolda Teague in light blue merino by Filatura di Crosa, the other one is Kujeillen by Tiina Kuu in grey silk&alpaca by Drops.

HOW? leaving a comment at this blog post (with some way to contact you if you win) - if you want also to follow the blog or share the giveaway at fb or twitter or at the groceries store, ok, I'd love it, but it's not mandatory.

WHEN? all the comments to this post from now till the end of the month will enter the giveaway

WHO? it's open to all earthlings (and the aliens that may be interested)

69 comentaris:

  1. Those are great fingerless gloves. You did a fabulous job.
    Girlieknitwit on rav

  2. Very Nice gloves!
    I would very much like to enter :)


  3. M'agraden molt totes aquestes coses que veig al bloc. No sé si sóc terraqui o extra, ja que tot sovint tinc dubtes. Jo també tinc un bloc, i tampoc no tinc 50.000 seguidors. Però paciència... ja els tindrem! Molta sort!

    1. Gràcies. I si, som terricoles, volguem o no. Mami Gaia ens passeja pel cosmos.

      PS: 50.000 és el numero màgic del meu nebot, :)

  4. Those are so beautiful! Nice work. I would like a chance to win. I am sweeetpeaches on Ravelry.

  5. Magrada l bloc x diferents motius:
    -cosetes d llana
    -practico english
    -majuda a coneixer millor a una bona amiga,...

    Deixeu d participar xk son x mi


    1. Nineta, sortejo dos parells, deixa'ls provar de guanyar l'altre ;) (es broma, este sorteo no está amañado)
      good luck!

  6. How lovely!
    tktl on Ravelry

  7. Guauu!! quines coses més boniques que fas :)

  8. A mi m'agraden els grissos! A part de moltes altres coses, com per ex. Els cactus..... quin desatre que soc....

  9. Holaaaaa Olga, m'agrada el comentari "por fasciculos" - pero només et contaré una vegada. El cactus està be, de tant en quant el rego per a que no es panseixi :D

  10. These are beautiful!
    AndreaB on ravelry

  11. Congratulations on your blogaversary! These are lovely. (Aclif on Ravelry.)

  12. Wow! The gloves are beautiful! You did such a lovely job on them! :)

    I wear fingerless gloves almost every night at my computer. (I have arthritis so my hands get cold so easily.) The ones I wear are really ready to be retired so I would love to have your beautiful gloves to wear instead!!!

    Thank you for having this giveaway!
    Purlescence on Ravelry

    1. I also wear fingerless gloves indoors :) good luck! and you're welcome

  13. Both pairs are beautiful!
    Lmecoll on Ravelry

  14. Congratulations, they are both beautiful
    apple380 on ravelry

  15. You did a fantastic job on the fingerless mitts. I love both colors.
    knittingdancer on Ravelry

  16. lovely. I wanted to make Veyla but the lacework put me off... craftink on rav

  17. Beautiful fingerless gloves and a generous giveaway! I would love to have these for my daughter - her hands are always cold.


    1. thanks! and good luck. My hands are always cold too, maybe that's why I chose fingerless gloves as prize...

  18. What lovely gloves and how generous of you to be offering some to give away. I would be honored to wear them if I win. I love to wear fingerless gloves while at my computer as my hands get so cold.

    littlemomto2 on Rav

    1. computer time & fingerless gloves go well together indeed. Good Luck!

  19. What beautiful fingerless gloves! Thanks for the chance to win!

    JKnits51 on Ravelry

  20. m'agraden mol les mitenes, pero m'agraden mes les bufandes llargues amb barrets de congunt, sorteig
    f. art floral.

  21. Ojala me toquen los grises! Lluís.

  22. Jo ja tinc uns dissenyats i mimats per aquesta gran artista però uns altres diferents? M'encantarien!!! I tant!!!!


    1. Fer les teues aranyetes va ser molt divertit. sort!!!

  23. Beautiful Mitts! I would wear these a lot. My hands are always cold. Thanks

    gussek on Ravelry

  24. Enhorabona per l'aniversari Judit! M'apunto al sorteig a veure si tinc sort i em toca alguna d'aquestes dues preciositats!!!!!

  25. jo també m'apunto al sorteig! a veure si hi ha sort i felicitats pel primer aniversari!!

  26. quiero unos mitoooooooones..........si puede ser, los grises!!!

  27. els grisos per mi!!! ja tinc uns morats uns liles uns coral.... pero grisos no. ( saps qui soc?) jeje

  28. Quina sorpresa de blog! El priner dia que entro i estas d'aniversari.Felicitats!

    1. What lovely fingerless gloves! I would love to win them.

      And congratulations on a year of blogging. As you suggest, many people do tire of blogging, but you are going strong, so hope it continues to go well for you.

      (beluke on ravelry)

  29. These are awesome. How wonderful of you to give them away.

    sherryglover1 on Ravelry

  30. I would love to tag along. And I hope to win. I'll read more on your blog later. On ravelry my name is Akinna78 and the address for my blog is -> annika-rg.blogspot.com

  31. Oh, those are pretty! And congrats on the anniversary :)

    (isabeautiful on rav)

  32. This giveaway is now closed. El sorteig està tancat
