
dimarts, 14 de gener del 2014

where I win a set of needles, ... and forget to blog about it

El passat mes d'abril vaig guanyar un joc d'agulles Knit-Pro amb un dels seus giveaways a Facebook.

Pero, es veu que el meu regal es va perdre en el mon misteriós del correu i no vaig rebre'l fins al novembre.

Les agulles són estupendes. Ja coneixia Knit-Pro i  tenia les intercambiables de symphonie wood de 3,50 fins a 8mm.
Ara també tinc les nova Chunky (9, 10 i 12mm)

En la llista de coses que vull tinc les carbonz, i les de numeros petits, que pel que sembla, només estan  en fixes.

Last april I won a set of Knit-pro nova chunky needles at one of Knit-Pro Facebook giveaways.
My price was lost in the midst of the mysterious mail underworld and I didn't get it since november.

The needles are awesome. I already knew Knit-Pro needles, I had the Symphonie Wood interchangeables from 3,50 to 8mm. Now I also own the Chunky Nova (9, 10 and 12mm)

I have the carbonz on my wish list, and some of the smaller ones that only exist as fix needles.

1 comentari:

  1. congratulations on your win! You can never have too many needles (especially interchangeables that fit in with a current set).
