The March doll has reached its owner.
Lúa has her new doll and has named it Judit (like me).Judit Doll wears her hair in buns and has a green and orange dress. And green boots.

She has been around the house for a while so she has had time to make some friends. Here you have her with Han in his odd Beatles bob hairstyle phase.

The doll per month plan has been abandoned for a more chaotic system, following my natural idiosyncrasy. Right now I have quite a bunch of them ready to go. Yay me!
La nina de Març ja està amb la seva propietària.
La Lúa li ha posat de nom Judit (com jo).
Com ha estat bastant temps per casa, ha pogut fer-hi amics. Per exemple en Han, amb qui la podeu veure a la foto (el pobre estava passant per una etapa de cabell a lo Beatles)El plan de fer una nina al mes fa temps que va ser abandonat per un sistema més caòtic, seguint la meva idiosincràsia. Ara mateix en tinc uns quants per repartir.... Ole jo!