TRES ANYS!!!Estic d'aniversari i faig un SORTEIG!!!
La [INSERTE NOMBRE AQUI] és la germaneta de la Tilda, que segueix perduda, espero que qui fos que la trobés se l'estimi almenys la meitat del que se la van estimar a la seva segona casa.
La [INSERTE NOMBRE AQUI] ha viscut amb mí més temps que la Tilda. Fins i tot hem anat a puestos.
Aqui la podeu veure de visita turistica a la Seu Vella.

Però a la [INSERTE NOMBRE AQUI] no li agradava gaire el seu pentinat i m'en va demanar un altre, insistentment.
En vam provar uns quants però la [INSERTE NOMBRE AQUI] no estava satisfeta amb cap, que no s'hi trobava, deia. Així que he aplicat la filosofia del Petit Princep i l'ovella i li he fet un barret. Li he explicat que així es por imaginar el pentinat perfecte a sota del barret i està molt contenta.
Si voleu que la [INSERTE NOMBRE AQUI] i el seu barret vinguin a viure a casa vostra l'únic que heu de fer és trobar-li un nom ben bonic, i deixar-lo als comentaris.Si comenteu com anònim, escribiu qui sou i com us puc contactar si guanyeu.
El sorteig està obert des d'ara fins al 31 de Gener.
Let's celebrate with a GIVEAWAY!
[INSERT NAME HERE] is Tilda's sister. Tilda is still missing, I just hope that she is at least half as loved by whomever found her as she was at her second home.
[INSERT NAME HERE] has lived with me longer than Tilda did. We've even been to places.
But [INSERT NAME HERE] didn't like her hairstyle so she asked repeatedly for a different one.
We tried several but [INSERT NAME HERE] was never satisfied, they didn't make her feel like herself, she said. so I've applied a dose of Little Prince's sheep philosophy and I've crocheted a hat for her. I've told her that she can imagine the perfect hairstyle underneath her hat and she is very happy now.

If you'd like [INSERT NAME HERE] and her hat to go live with you, you just have to find a pretty name for her and leave it in a comment. If you comment anonymously, please leave your name and how to contact you if you're the lucky winner.
The giveaway is open from now till the 31st of January.