He acabat les meues manyoples. La llana me la van regalar la Georgina i el Jordi per al meu 38é aniversari. Els botons, me'ls va enviar la Susan, i van venir desde Granite City IL, part d'un intercanvi dels grup dels Odd Duck de Ravelry.
El patró és Snapdragon Flip-tops de Ysolda Teague.
The wind's driving me crazy.
I should be studying, but my head's quite a mess right now. So, I'm doing little chores to avoid feeling utterly miserable.
I've finished my mittens. The wool was a present from Georgina and Jordi for my 38th birthday. Susan sent me the buttons. They came from Granite City IL, part of a swap of the Odd Ducks Swap group at Ravelry.
The pattern is Snapdragon Flip-tops by Ysolda Teague.
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