Dissenyar mitjons ha estat una experiència nova i interessant... que no se si repetiré aviat. Intensa, també ha estat intensa.
Vaig començar a escriure sobre els mitjons aqui. Moltes coses van canviar abans d'arribar a bon port.
Per començar, vaig haver de desfer-me de la idea de la bat-senyal, perqué només em quedaven uns 15 punts al mig de la rodona de trenes/cables per fer la rata pinyada.

I vaig començar a dibuixar i fer esquemes un altre cop.
I vaig començar el primer mitjó.
L'elàstic va girant cap enrera i forma una espiga que arriba fins al final de la llengueta del taló.
Seguint amb la mateixa idea de l'espiga, la vaig repetir a l'empeine del mitjó amb punts del dret agafats per darrera.
El segón mitjó va anar molt més ràpid.
I després el malson del punt duplicat.
Vaig haver de desfer i repetir ELS DOS LOGOS!!! Brodar no és el meu fort.
Al final va quedar bastant be.

Designing socks has been a new and interesting experience... which I don't know if I'll repeat soon. Intense, it was really intense too.
I started writing about the socks here. A lot of things changed before the end of the whole process.
For starters, I had to get rid of the bat-sign idea, because I only had 15 stitches inside the cabled circle to make the bat.
One day just before bedtime I had another idea: what if I started with an asymmetric rib, and then I turn the rib to the rear, hugging the leg and creating a stockinette stitch section in the front where I could duplicate stitch the logo?

And I started to make drawings and charts again, and to knit the first sock.
The rib twists to the back side creating a herringbone pattern that continues in the heel flap.
The herringbone is repeated on the instep with twisted travelling stitches over a stockinette fabric.
Knitting the second sock was way faster than the first.
Knitting the second sock was way faster than the first.
Then the nightmare of duplicate stitch started.
I had to embroider each bat TWICE! Embroidering is not my thing.
In the end it was quite fine. And most important, my cousin liked them.
Now he'll have to wait some months to wear them. With temperatures of 37ºC, who feels like wearing wool socks?
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