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Groot the 1st |
Si encara no heu vist Guardians Of The Galaxy, no sé a qué espereu.
Té de tot: Naus espacials, dolents dolentíssims, d'altres ni bons ni dolents, amistat, revenja, pistoles de rajos, pocasustàncies, Kevin Bacon i una banda sonora genial.
Al poc de veure-la, a l'agost quan feia caloreta i els dies eren llargs, vaig voler fer un baby Groot, i, abans de posar-me a inventar un patró, vaig mirar a Ravelry... i en vaig trobar unes quantes versions... per mi que la gent va arribar a casa després del cine i va agafar el ganxet. La que més em va agradar és aquesta de Smartapple Creations.
Està molt ben pensada. Jo vaig adaptarla lleugerament i els meus Groots es poden treure del test com els meus cactus. La resta, seguir el patró a poder ser mentres es mira la peli.
El primer Groot viu des de l'Agost ca l'Ana Belén (i a sa mare no li agrada gens) i el segón va marxar cap a Grenoble amb l'Alex al Gener.
Un dia d'aquest n'he de fer un per a mi i un altre per al meu nebot, que quan el va veure el va afegit a la (llarga) llista de coses que li he de fer.
Un dia d'aquest n'he de fer un per a mi i un altre per al meu nebot, que quan el va veure el va afegit a la (llarga) llista de coses que li he de fer.
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Groot the 2nd |
If you still haven't watched Guardians Of The Galaxy, I don't know what are you waiting for.
It has everything: Spaceships, very bad people, some that aren't good nor bad, friendship, revenge, ray pistols, misfits, Kevin Bacon and a superb soundtrack.
soon after watching it, in August when days were long and hot, I wanted to make a baby Groot, and before trying to make my own version, I looked it up at Ravelry... and found quite a lot of different versions... I think people started crocheting as soon as they got home after the movie. The one I liked the most is this one by Smartapple Creations.
It's a really good pattern. I adapted it slightly and used the "dirt" pattern I made for my Cacti so you can take Groot out of the pot. For the rest, just follow the pattern as is while watching the movie if possible.
My first Groot lives since August at Ana Belen's place (and her mother don't like it) and the second one went to Grenoble with Alex in January.
One day I have to make one for me, and another one for my nephew, who as soon as he saw Groot added it to the (long) list of things I have to do for him.
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